Monday, January 31, 2011

Pep Rally

The winter sports pep rally was amazing this year. It was great to see the cheerleaders and the JV and Varsity dance teams perform. They were awesome! It was also so exciting to see everyone's class spirit through spirit chains and hall decorating. And to top everything off, the fly girls dance routine was the best yet. I can't wait for this pep rally to come next year; it is definitely one of my favorite ones ever!
~Katelyn S.

The winter sports pep rally was on Friday, January 8. It was a lot of fun and a chance for the whole school to get together. We recognized our outstanding sports teams and gave thanks to the seniors. We cheered and discovered the outcome of hall decorating and spirit chains. It was just a fun time for everyone. Most students look forward to this pep rally every year, knowing it's one of our biggest following Spirit Week each year.
-Alex M.

Okay, so I can honestly say that the winter pep rally is my favorite pep rally every single year! This year might have been the best one of my three years at Assumption...over 60 seniors spent the night at school the night before to learn the sly girls routine. Their dance was awesome! Junior won the hall decorating and that was so exciting because our class has never won before. All in all, it was a great pep rally!
- Mary-Kate S.

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