Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pink & White Game

On Thursday April 29th, the halls of Assumption were filled with school spirit. Friends finalized plans for the evening as the whole school prepared for the third annual Pink and White Flag Football Game that evening. The game was hosted at St. Xavier High School, and although we didn't win in the end, the Assumption Rockets didn't make it easy for the Sacred Heart Valkyries. Assumption showed the community what it means to have school spirit. From cookouts to car paint, classmates came together to cheer, yell, and raise money for a good cause. We truly were the Rocket Nation. Four schools, two rivalries, one cause. Everyone wins.
**Editor's Note - the Pink and White football game is played by seniors from AHS and SHA each spring. Proceeds go to Norton Cancer Institute's Breast Health Program. This year's game raised approximately $31,000.

Friday, May 7, 2010

AHS choirs go to Disney

Every other year, Assumption's Chamber Choir, Advanced Choir, and Bell Choir make their way down to Walt Disney World for the Festival Disney Music Competition. This year, we not only showed up ready to compete, but stood out among the rest. With superior ratings - silver, gold, and best in class Mickeys - Assumption dominated the competition! After countless hours riding rides, eating Mickey-shaped food, and taking pictures with the princesses, we now have memories that will last us a lifetime! What's better than 3 days in Disney World with awesome teachers and 60 girls who love music just as much as you do? Not much else. :)