~Stephanie D.
The Feminine Spirituality classes had the opportunity to go on a little field trip to Cherokee Park. We first enjoyed a picnic lunch in the shade and then hiked a small trail to visit the "Grandmother Tree." Despite the fact that the tree fell in the ice storm two years ago, what was left of it was still very grand. All the carvings and painting on the trunk and branches showed that we were just one of many groups to come into the woods to this very spot. We all climbed onto the large trunk that lay on the ground and just sat there in silence, soaking in the beauty of nature that surrounded us. It was a very peaceful and relaxing experience, and it made me want to go into nature even more.
~Lydia D.
My Femine Spirtuality class went on a field trip to Grandmother Tree. I didn't quite know what that exactly meant. I wasn't sure if it was just a really old tree, or actually had something to do with Mrs. Davis. When we got there I realized how old she really was. She had graffiti all over her and was lying on the ground. When the big ice storm hit, she had fallen over. My friends and I climbed on her limbs and listened to nature. It was such an amazing experience to be so connected to nature. I hope that more people hear about Grandmother Tree and go visit her every once and a while.
-Alex Guidry
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