Wednesday, March 11, 2009

12:30 Dismissals

About once a month (sometimes twice), Assumption dismisses at 12:30 p.m. On 12:30 days, lunch is not served, classes are shortened a bit, and the afternoon is yours to spend as you like while faculty meet for department and faculty meetings. Here is how some of our girls like to spend their 12:30 day afternoons...

Usually on 12:30 days I go out to lunch with my friends somewhere on Bardstown Road. It's so much fun to get out early and be able to relax after school. Plus you get more time on homework. ~Amanda

I somtimes go and grab coffee with my friend Jilian but my favorite thing to do is go work out at LAC because there is no one there and it gives me time to enjoy my exercise!

On 12:30 days I go to lunch with my mom. She works close to Assumption, so we go out to eat to our favorite restuarant. I love 12:30 days because it gives me time to catch up my life!

I go out to lunch with my friends or go to the mall. I love 12:30 days!

The past few times we've had 12:30 days I have been searching for summer jobs or going to lunch with friends.

Usually I go with a friend to work out and then we go out to Mark's Feed Store.

If I don't have a meeting after school, I usually go out to lunch with my friends. Then I go home and take a nap to catch up on sleep because I have Tuesday morning practices. By the time I wake up, it's around the same time I would get home from school, so I'm not behind on time or anything. Then I do my normal evening routine consisting of dinner, homework, and shower.

On 12:30 days I always go out to eat with my friends. We always have lots of fun and it's a good time for us all to get to just talk.

Lets see, I went home and slept, then straightened my hair, went to Walden Theatre class, then rehearsal.

This past 12:30 day was so beautiful, my friends and I went to Waterfront Park and spent the afternoon down there just enjoying the sun and the view of our skyline form the riverside.

I like being able to go out with my friends for lunch. That's really great. It also gives me time to work on extra homework.

On 12:30 days, I usually go out to lunch with my friends somewhere new and fun like California Pizza Kitchen or grab a quick bite to eat before heading to tennis practice with my AHS team. With either option, I'm still home by the time I would usually just be getting out of school. It's awesome!
--Katie Y.

Go out to lunch of course :)

This past 12:30 dismissal day, we had to hang around until 2 for track practice, so some of my friends and I brought our lunch and sat at the concrete table outside of the cafeteria to eat and do our homework. We had a blast!
-Katie T.

I usually go home and sleep or run errands for my parents.

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