This question was posed to some of our juniors recently as they began to register for their SENIOR YEAR of classes. Many thanks to Mrs. Deweese for sharing these responses with us!
In reflecting on your three years at Assumption, what has been your favorite class that you have ever taken and why?
My favorite class (so far) at Assumption has been Spanish 2 with Profe! We did hand motions (aka gestos) for all the vocab words and phrases, and I feel like I really learned and laughed a lot in that class. Runner-up would have to be Algebra 2 with Mr. Straub. Needless to say, I will NEVER forget the Quadratic formula after singing the song in front of the entire study hall. AP English with Dr. Wieland is a close third, and thankfully I'll get to spend another year as her pupil in Journalism/Newspaper. I wish both Profe and Mr. Straub were teaching the classes I'm taking next year, but in the words of my favorite elderly, leather-clad rocker, "You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need!"
My favorite class since coming to AHS would be (at this moment) Advanced US History. Most likely because History is the one subject I have no ill-will towards whatsoever. I learned SOOOO much in that class: how to take notes, how to study, how to manage quiz/test/hw ratios, etc.
My favorite class was freshman year of English. I had Mrs. Caswell and she made the stories and poems come alive. She inspired me to be a writer and now I want to major in Journalism communications.
There are so many amazing classes at Assumption! I really enjoy graphic design and my theatre classes!
My favorite class, so far, has been History of Rock and Roll. It is a very fun class and we get to learn about SOOO many different times. It's very interesting.
My favorite class over my first three years was humanities because it was a lot of fun.
My favorite class here has been Humanities II. It really let me show my creative side :)
My favorite class would have to be ceramics, because Ms. Wicke is really nice and I love to create different sculptures.
My favorite class has been Feminine Spirituality because it was fun and very open. We did many hands-on activities and it was interesting.
My favorite class has been AP 2D art, because I love making art and I love Mrs. Lott.
My favorite class ever in my years here is a toss up between world history with Mr. Young and world geography with Mrs. Adkins. These are my two favorite techers at Assumption. They are so fun and make everything interesting. I look up to these teachers and they teach the subject I enjoy the most which is social studies. The people in my classes were great as well. These are the best classes ever! Oh and who doesn't like ceramics!? I had so much fun and was so relaxed in this class as well!
My favorite class of all would have to be my art class. I love my AP drawing/painting class with Ms. Lott. She made it so much fun and a joy to come to her class every other day. I love this particular class because she gives you your main instructions on what to do but as of what exactly gets put onto your paper, it's all your decission. Another great factoer is that their are no deadlines. You can take your time and make it look the way you want it to look.
YEARBOOK with Ms. Russo. It is such a fun class!
My favorite class would have to be band. I've taken it every year and I still love it. It's a time to relax, but still do something you love. It's not necessarily a hard class, but you still get to expand as a musician. Plus, Mrs. Metry just makes the class. Haha!
My favorite class so far has been Leadership Education. It's been my favorite because the class helped me to expand my comfort zone and begin to feel more comfortable with speaking in front of crowds. As well, I learned a lot about myself and my abilities as a leader.
My favorite class has been yearbook because we have grown as a class and are all really excited to be J2's next year. We are also really excited for our journalism conference to D.C. next year.
My favorite class I've taken is Forensics Public Speaking. I liked this class because it was really laid back and was what got me interested in Speech Team.
My favorite class has been all math classes i love math and enjoy solving problems!! favorite class so far would probably be english or art!
My favorite class was CST (Catholic Social eaching). I took it last semester and my eyes were opened to many issues in the community of Louisville and the world.
My favorite class I have taken in my past three years has been either Humanities or Chemistry II. Humanities was really fun becasue we got to do a lot of projects with art and music and I really thought that was enjoyable. Chemistry II is really a great class because we do a lot of demonstrations to help us learn about the topic more, and they're really interesting.
One of my all time favorite classes in the past two and a half years at AHS has been my A block PE class freshman year. It was so much fun and I made a lot of friendships during the first semester!!
My favorite class has been Advanced U.S. History because the group of girls got along and worked really well together. Ms. Deeley explained everything with exciting stories that we could actually understand. I also liked how she lectured and we took notes. Overall, I learned a lot from this class.
My favorite class that I have taken was Affective Skills. I had a really good group of girls in my class and it was so much fun. Also I looked forward to it !
My favorite class that I have taken so far is intro to sculpture.
My favorite class at Assumption was my acting 1 and 2 classes because they were not only really fun, but I learned a lot of skills I will need in the future, like thinking on my feet, and public speaking.
My favorite class that I have taken at Assumption is probably World History with Mrs. Adkins. She's an awesome teacher and provides a lot of fun activities to do in each class. She always has a new activity for us to try out every single class period. She's made this class my favorite, along with the help of a few good friends that are in this class with me :)
My favorite class of the past three years would have to be Drawing and Painting I. I love doing art because it's very calming and I lose track of time because I'm so focused on the project. I also have a great teacher, Ms. Lott, who gives great tips.
My favorite class so far is probably Leadership Education. I took it Sophomore year and it was so much fun. We got to take field trips and it opened up many opportunities for me.
My favorite class of all time would have to be my Affective Skills class that I took during my freshman year. What made it so interesting was that I had such a great and funny teacher....Mrs. Steutermann! I could not believe that I had the opportunity to have the principal as my teacher. We were her very first Affective Skills class and she was so much fun. One of my favorite memories in the class was getting to create my Me Book. It was soo much fun and I still have my Me Book and I look back at it ocasionally to remember all of my good times.
My favorite class I've ever taken is humanities. It was really interesting and I learned a lot of stuff about famous buildings around the world that I should know...and Mrs. Adkins is really funny. I liked it so much that I'm taking humanities 2!
So my favorite class in all my 3 years at Assumption would have to be my choral music class which was second semester of sophomore year. I liked this class because I had a lot of my friends in it which made it enjoyable and just the class as a whole is fun.
My favorite class would either have to be History of Rock and Roll or Forensic Science. I loved both of them because they were both very interesting and I was friends with everyone in the class.
My favorite class since coming to AHS would be (at this moment) Advanced US History. Most likely because History is the one subject I have no ill-will towards whatsoever. I learned SOOOO much in that class: how to take notes, how to study, how to manage quiz/test/hw ratios, etc.
My favorite class was freshman year of English. I had Mrs. Caswell and she made the stories and poems come alive. She inspired me to be a writer and now I want to major in Journalism communications.
There are so many amazing classes at Assumption! I really enjoy graphic design and my theatre classes!
My favorite class, so far, has been History of Rock and Roll. It is a very fun class and we get to learn about SOOO many different times. It's very interesting.
My favorite class over my first three years was humanities because it was a lot of fun.
My favorite class here has been Humanities II. It really let me show my creative side :)
My favorite class would have to be ceramics, because Ms. Wicke is really nice and I love to create different sculptures.
My favorite class has been AP 2D art, because I love making art and I love Mrs. Lott.
My favorite class ever in my years here is a toss up between world history with Mr. Young and world geography with Mrs. Adkins. These are my two favorite techers at Assumption. They are so fun and make everything interesting. I look up to these teachers and they teach the subject I enjoy the most which is social studies. The people in my classes were great as well. These are the best classes ever! Oh and who doesn't like ceramics!? I had so much fun and was so relaxed in this class as well!
My favorite class of all would have to be my art class. I love my AP drawing/painting class with Ms. Lott. She made it so much fun and a joy to come to her class every other day. I love this particular class because she gives you your main instructions on what to do but as of what exactly gets put onto your paper, it's all your decission. Another great factoer is that their are no deadlines. You can take your time and make it look the way you want it to look.
YEARBOOK with Ms. Russo. It is such a fun class!
My favorite class would have to be band. I've taken it every year and I still love it. It's a time to relax, but still do something you love. It's not necessarily a hard class, but you still get to expand as a musician. Plus, Mrs. Metry just makes the class. Haha!
My favorite class has been yearbook because we have grown as a class and are all really excited to be J2's next year. We are also really excited for our journalism conference to D.C. next year.
My favorite class I've taken is Forensics Public Speaking. I liked this class because it was really laid back and was what got me interested in Speech Team.
My favorite class has been all math classes i love math and enjoy solving problems!! favorite class so far would probably be english or art!
My favorite class was CST (Catholic Social eaching). I took it last semester and my eyes were opened to many issues in the community of Louisville and the world.
My favorite class I have taken in my past three years has been either Humanities or Chemistry II. Humanities was really fun becasue we got to do a lot of projects with art and music and I really thought that was enjoyable. Chemistry II is really a great class because we do a lot of demonstrations to help us learn about the topic more, and they're really interesting.
My favorite class has been Advanced U.S. History because the group of girls got along and worked really well together. Ms. Deeley explained everything with exciting stories that we could actually understand. I also liked how she lectured and we took notes. Overall, I learned a lot from this class.
My favorite class that I have taken was Affective Skills. I had a really good group of girls in my class and it was so much fun. Also I looked forward to it !
My favorite class that I have taken so far is intro to sculpture.
My favorite class at Assumption was my acting 1 and 2 classes because they were not only really fun, but I learned a lot of skills I will need in the future, like thinking on my feet, and public speaking.
My favorite class that I have taken at Assumption is probably World History with Mrs. Adkins. She's an awesome teacher and provides a lot of fun activities to do in each class. She always has a new activity for us to try out every single class period. She's made this class my favorite, along with the help of a few good friends that are in this class with me :)
My favorite class of the past three years would have to be Drawing and Painting I. I love doing art because it's very calming and I lose track of time because I'm so focused on the project. I also have a great teacher, Ms. Lott, who gives great tips.
My favorite class so far is probably Leadership Education. I took it Sophomore year and it was so much fun. We got to take field trips and it opened up many opportunities for me.
My favorite class of all time would have to be my Affective Skills class that I took during my freshman year. What made it so interesting was that I had such a great and funny teacher....Mrs. Steutermann! I could not believe that I had the opportunity to have the principal as my teacher. We were her very first Affective Skills class and she was so much fun. One of my favorite memories in the class was getting to create my Me Book. It was soo much fun and I still have my Me Book and I look back at it ocasionally to remember all of my good times.
My favorite class I've ever taken is humanities. It was really interesting and I learned a lot of stuff about famous buildings around the world that I should know...and Mrs. Adkins is really funny. I liked it so much that I'm taking humanities 2!
So my favorite class in all my 3 years at Assumption would have to be my choral music class which was second semester of sophomore year. I liked this class because I had a lot of my friends in it which made it enjoyable and just the class as a whole is fun.
My favorite class would either have to be History of Rock and Roll or Forensic Science. I loved both of them because they were both very interesting and I was friends with everyone in the class.
A Louisville Metro Police Officer helps Forensic Science students perform a
"crime scene investigastion" in the lobby of the CAC.
My favorite class that I have ever taken would have to be my Graphic Design I class. It was just a really fun class in general and one of my really good friends was in it, so we had a lot of fun.
My favorite class I have ever taken was sophomore year Algebra 2 with Mr. Straub because we played so many fun games that really helped with the learning and Mr. Straub is just awesome! I also liked chamber choir sophomore year with Mrs. Metry because she is funny and cool and not to mention that we got to go to Disney World!
My favorite class that I have taken over my 3 years here is probably my ceramics class that I am taking right now. It is really fun and I love making all the different things out of clay.
My favorite class I have ever taken was sophomore year Algebra 2 with Mr. Straub because we played so many fun games that really helped with the learning and Mr. Straub is just awesome! I also liked chamber choir sophomore year with Mrs. Metry because she is funny and cool and not to mention that we got to go to Disney World!
My favorite class that I have taken over my 3 years here is probably my ceramics class that I am taking right now. It is really fun and I love making all the different things out of clay.