Every year AHS has a walk to raise money for financial aid. Before the walk, we have a walk

kickoff assembly to tell everyone the theme and to get pumped up for the walk. So this year the walk theme is..... ROCK THE W
ALK! I had no idea what the theme was, but I was excited to find out becuase the weeks preceding the walk we had been getting all these little cryptic gifts (rocks, guitar picks, pop rocks, etc.) in our homerooms. This year's walk kickoff was the best yet! We had glow necklaces and it was dark in the gym. The best part was that the teachers dressed up as famous rock bands. My old science teacher was Gene Simmons from KISS. Some of our counselors dressed up as the Beatles. Joan Jett was there, as well as Madonna, the Village People, the B-52's and many other rock legends. It was such a blast!

I danced with my friends and we had a ball. Some other aspects of the walk are cool too. If you raise $100 or more, you're inducted into the 100 club and get special prizes for that. You get spirit wear days and are entered into drawings for fabulous prizes if you bring in donations. There are tons of other amazig incentives. This year's walk is going to be the best ever!

Every year at Assumption, we have a walk to raise money for financial aid, so every girl that wants to go to Assumption can. Our student council picks a theme and works really hard to get the school pumped up at our walk kick-off. This year, our theme is "Rock the Walk" and it was CRAZY! At the assembly, some of our amazing teachers dressed up as 80's rockers (I'm talking hair, make-up, clothing, everything!) and put on a concert for the whole school. We had performances by Kiss, the Beatles, Madonna, the Village People, and many more. The whole school was on their feet and ready to rock the walk in 2008! -Katie
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