The start of my senior year brought me 26 kids. Okay, not literally, but I was chosen to be a homeroom mom. Each freshman homeroom has a "mom," who is a senior. That girl goes into homeroom every morning to help out the freshmen with whatever they might need and helps them adjust to life at Assumption. Being a mom, I have realized how much I truly love AHS. Each morning I get to joke around and talk to the freshman, creating a bond that not everyone gets to experience. I get to see how exciting everything is at AHS for the first time all over again. All of my "kids" are great, and we have so much fun together every morning. Some of my "kids" are becoming friends who I will see out at the mall and joke with them for a couple minutes, or a friend who I run with at cross country practice. Even inside the homeroom, we have a blast. This morning during homeroom, we all ate breakfast from Panera together, which was DELICIOUS! Every Wednesday we play a game called "Would You Rather Wednesday" where I ask them a question, and everyone votes on it. (Example: Would you rather date Michael Phelps or a Jonas Brother... That one was a toughie!) So even though homeroom at AHS seems to be the hardest part of the day for most, and some of my girls are still asleep when they walk in at 7:45, I still find a way to keep this part of the day alive and welcoming! --Cara