Spring Break has come and gone, but summer is just around the corner! Here's what a few of our girls did during their week off...

I went to Red River Gorge. After we packed up and were ready to leave, we couldn't get the car to back up. It turns out that the transmission went bad so we had to get towed. We spent four hours at a gas station in Mt. Sterling, KY waiting to be picked up. Other than that it was pretty awesome - we went canoeing, hiking, and even super-glued a shoe to the floor. :)
Well this year my Spring break was for the most part uneventful, but it did have its highlights. I saw Slumdog Millionaire, which was one of the best movies I've seen in awhile. I also saw I Love You Man, a comedy that recently came out. I had several money making opportunities, including house sitting and babysitting, which I definitely took advantage of because I was low on cash =] . I took the ACT on the second Saturday of Spring break, which is always a treat. And for the most part, that's my fun-filled Spring Break in L.A. (Louisville Area) =]
I went on college visits in St. Louis, Chicago, and South Bend, Indiana to Washington University, Northwestern University, Loyola University, and Notre Dame. Before and after getting really excited about college, my friends and I had a spa day complete with facials, pedicures, and a hot tub (for free because we did that at a friend's house : ] ), a bon fire in which we roasted marshmallows, and a movie night which included making homemade pizza and cookies!
-Katie B.
This spring break, I stayed here in Louisville. Although I wasn't laying out on a beach, I had so much fun with my friends (and I got some sun!). We went to Seneca Park a few times to hang out, swing, and get some exercise. Also, I went on a mini road trip up to Huber's Farm for lunch. But most of all, I enjoyed relaxing and not having very much to worry about!
I didnt do anything over spring break but work and watch a lot of TV. LOL
My friends and I stayed in Louisville. We went prom dress shopping, and my family and I went to Mammoth Cave.
-Lauren G.
I went and visited my grandma for 3 days. She lives in Florida.

I went to Destin and suntanned, parasailed, shopped, relaxed, etc. This is a picture of me on the parasailing boat.